The Army’s xTechSearch seeks novel, disruptive concepts and technologies to support Army technology focus areas like long-range precision fires, next generation combat vehicle, future vertical lift, soldier lethality, air & missile defense, medical and engineering.  Invisible Interdiction submitted an innovative vehicle protection concept for the Army’s next generation combat vehicle.  We briefed this concept at Army Research Lab (ARL) South in Austin, Texas on 8th March 2019.  The briefing at ARL South provided an opportunity to interact with ARL faculty creating stimulating discussion whereby Invisible Interdiction’s CEO Bryan Sydnor was able to described our swarm defense concept and planned prototyping activities.

The progress beyond Phase II awards Invisible Interdiction $10,000 cash prize.  This has put us in a pool of talented finalists who briefed their respective concepts at ARL locations around the country.  This xTechSearch 2.0 competition will provide the potential for up to $120,000 of funding for prototyping concepts.  We hope for evaluation and eventual use by the Army.  Invisible Interdiction CEO Bryan Sydnor stated “this competition provides our engineering team the opportunity to conceptualize and compete for funding those exciting ideas that we’d not be able to fund internally.  The ARL faculty quickly grasped our anti-swarm concept and hopefully we’ll be able to demonstrate it live on a test range in the future.”