Invisible Interdiction embedded three new videos to our website  They give our customers a better appreciation for the size, appearance and capability of two of our man portable RF C-UAS defeat systems.  We used the Ghoul Tool Full Spectrum (GTFS) hand-held in a couple of videos recently shot on a Virginia farm that introduces the GTFS and provides exactly what an RF interdiction looks like.  Take a look at the embedded video on our ‘About Us’ page at  This short video accurately shows what command & control (C2) and GPS interdictions look like.

There are also two system introductory videos on the Ghoul Tool Full Spectrum and the Ghoul Tool Attachable (GTA). These videos give brief descriptions of the features of these two hand-held systems.  Take a look at these videos on the  ‘Products’ page at under each of these two products tabs.

We have a third video that shows how to setup the GTFS and make it ready for use.  This is a two-minute training video that is helpful to end users who have recently purchased the GTFS. This video is not embedded on the website, instead we can send you a link with a password of you are interested in this video.  Please reach out to us at [email protected].